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VertexGraph applies Zero Trust Network Access 2.0 (ZTNA 2.0) to file server access

VertexGraph applies ZTNA 2.0 principles to remote access for on-premises file servers, enabling company employees to securely access on-premises file data no matter where they are located.

Hybrid work is becoming increasingly popular. The most common way that employees access a company’s on-premises file server data when working remotely is through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), but it opens up the company’s network to the employees' computer environments and poses a serious security risk.

Zero Trust Network Access 1.0 was a first step to solving the problem by authenticating every network connection, but problems associated with traditional VPNs still exist after the user is connected to the network. Thus, Zero Trust Network Access 2.0 (ZTNA 2.0) emerged, which continuously authenticates and inspects requests even after an employee is authenticated for the first time and granted connection.

VertexGraph applies ZTNA 2.0 principles to remote access for on-premises file servers. The software enables company employees to securely access on-premises file data no matter where they are located, without using VPN. It connects users directly to file shares rather than the network, so that lateral threat movements can be eliminated and attack surface can be minimized. With VertexGraph, organizations can have a smooth hybrid working experience with no security compromise.

In addition, VertexGraph reduces the complexities associated with protecting file server data. It reduces data sprawl by enabling direct file sharing from file servers. Its built-in dataleak and ransomware protections enable companies to get real-time alerting and respond to attacks all in one platform.

VertexGraph’s continuous innovation and development of features and capabilities will keep strengthening the platform’s ability to play a key role in organizations’ efforts in building a successful and secure hybrid working environment.

About VertexGraph:
VertexGraph provides a seamless work experience, with unified and secure access to on-premises and cloud resources (files, applications, remote desktops, user directories), no matter where work happens. The plug-and-play solution non-intrusively integrates with existing resources and applies Zero Trust Network Access 2.0 (ZTNA 2.0) for protection. By replacing legacy policies and rules with smart scenario-based access control, VertexGraph helps organizations achieve a hybrid working environment where security is no longer a burden. Find out more at